Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Economic Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi

Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi
Economic Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi
 Economic Thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi

The progress and development of any country depend on how much progress that country is making economically and industrially.

The progress and development of any country depend on how much progress that country is making economically and industrially. I am not well aware of their activities.

Mahatma Gandhi was a thinker of a high order. The world-famous scientist Albert Einstein is of the opinion about him that – “We are very fortunate and we should be grateful that God has given us such a shining contemporary man – he will serve as a beacon of light for future generations too.”

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Need to Rustic Development

Mahatma Gandhi expected to believe India to be autonomous. He believed that the soul of India resides in the villages, so his view was that 'village development is the primary requirement to take India on the path of development. Keeping this in mind, he gave top priority to the rural economy. In his view, the premise of this economy was 'upliftment of rustic life.  That is why, Gandhiji gave importance not to big industries, but to small industries (cottage industries), such as spinning yarn by charkha, weaving and processing flour, slicing rice and distributing rope, etc.

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In 'Hind Swaraj' he has strongly condemned the huge industries and mechanization. He did not consider the spinning wheel as a symbol of arrogance, but a symbol of the prestige of labor. It is necessary to create 'concentration of mind' in spinning the yarn on the spinning wheel. In the year 1923, he additionally established the 'All India Village Industries Association', whose basic objective was to upgrade domestic and rural industries.

Doctrine of Trusteeship

Gandhiji was not an economist by education, but he's thinking in this subject too is revolutionary. He said that to collect more than one's requirement means 'theft'. According to him, financial matters is an ethical science – "The motivation behind acquiring a man isn't just to get common joys, but to develop his moral and spiritual. " That is the explanation he maintained the character of mollifying use.


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He introduced the idea of ​​'trusteeship' for economic equality and curbing the indulgent ambitions of the capitalists. He believed that the capitalist was merely a trustee or custodian of social property. In fact, Gandhi's economic thought is 'socialism founded on moral ideals' or Ram Rajya.

Gandhiji believed that every citizen should earn his livelihood through physical exertion. He also taught 'physical labor' for intellectuals. Gandhiji called this thing 'the labor of bread'.


Basic Education Plan

Gandhiji's approach to education was truly vocational. He was in favor of 'basic training'. He was of the opinion that in a poor country like India, learners should earn some money along with getting an education so that they can become self-reliant. For this purpose, he had prepared the 'Bardha-Shiksha-Plan'. With a view to making education profitable and cost-effective, in the year 1936, he founded the 'Indian Education Association'.


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Gandhiji's revolutionary thinking is still meaningful and exemplary. Based on their reasoning, solutions to many problems can be presented. We have no objection in saying that the life-philosophy of Gandhiji which has become available to the countrymen regarding the economic-industrial system of India, will always be useful.



What did Gandhi say about economics?

Mahatma Gandhi's economic philosophy revolved around simplicity, self-sufficiency, and a rejection of excessive materialism. He emphasized the importance of cottage industries, decentralized economies, and the upliftment of rural communities. Gandhi advocated for a holistic approach to economics that prioritized ethical values and the well-being of all individuals. His concept of "Sarvodaya" envisioned the welfare of the entire society, focusing on social justice and inclusive development. Gandhi believed that economic progress should not come at the expense of human dignity and environmental sustainability. His teachings continue to influence discussions on responsible and compassionate economic practices worldwide.

What was the role of Mahatma Gandhi in Indian economy?

Mahatma Gandhi played a transformative role in shaping India's economic landscape during its struggle for independence. He advocated for economic self-reliance, promoting cottage industries and rural development to empower local communities. Gandhi's vision sought to free India from economic dependence on foreign powers, emphasizing decentralized, village-based economies. His Salt March and campaigns against British economic exploitation became symbols of resistance. Gandhi's influence extended to post-independence policies, influencing leaders to prioritize inclusive growth. While not a formal economist, his ethical and sustainable economic principles left an enduring impact on India's economic philosophy, emphasizing justice, equality, and self-sufficiency.

What were the socioeconomic thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi?

Mahatma Gandhi's socioeconomic thoughts were rooted in principles of simplicity, self-reliance, and social justice. He envisioned a society where individuals embraced frugality and prioritized moral and ethical values over material pursuits. Gandhi advocated for the upliftment of the marginalized, focusing on rural development and the promotion of cottage industries to empower local communities. Rejecting the exploitative aspects of industrialization, he championed a decentralized economic model that harmonized with nature. Gandhi's vision, encapsulated in the concept of "Sarvodaya" (welfare for all), aimed at achieving holistic progress, eradicating poverty, and fostering equality, leaving a profound impact on India's socioeconomic fabric and inspiring similar movements globally.



Economic Ideas of Mahatma Gandhiji - Are Gandhian economic thoughts relevant today? 

History of economic thought: Economic ideas of Mahatma Gandhi

Economic Thoughts Mahatma Gandhi| Explained in easy way


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